The Bayer Seminis Open Pollinated to Hybrid Conversion Program is designed to help farmers transition from traditional open-pollinated (OP) vegetable seeds to high-performing hybrid seeds. This program improves yield, disease resistance, and market value while maintaining adaptability to local conditions.
Assila F1 Tomato Seed
- Type: Hybrid indeterminate tomato
- Benefits:
- High yield potential
- Strong resistance to Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV)
- Firm fruits with excellent shelf life
- Adaptability to various growing conditions
Ansal F1 Tomato Seed
- Type: Hybrid determinate tomato
- Benefits:
- Early maturity for faster harvest cycles
- Uniform fruit size and shape
- Strong disease resistance package
- High market demand due to better fruit quality
Why Convert from OP to Hybrid?
- Higher Yields: Hybrid seeds offer significantly improved productivity.
Disease Resistance: Reduces losses due to pests and diseases.
- Better Market Prices: Hybrid tomatoes have superior size, shape, and shelf life.
- Efficient Resource Use: More profitable per unit of land, labor, and input